Operating from shack in Salem, Oregon
My name is Terry Brown. I have been a ham since 1982. I was an SSB operator until 2008. I then went QRT for 7 years because SSB grew stale for me for a variety of reasons. With the help of four ham friends, I dusted off my old CW starting at 10 wpm and over the next 3 years increased my CW speed, with the help of the CWOps CW Academy, up to the present level where CW operation is a real joy.
Below are some details about my Amateur Radio activities over the years.
Amateur Radio Information
- Ham since 1982
- Life Member ARRL
- Former Faculty Advisor to Oregon State University Amateur Radio Club
- Passion for CW and exclusive CW operator since 2016.
- Level 1 Advisor for CWops CW Academy
- Enjoy working any CW operator, from Beginner to 25+ wpm.
- CW Memberships
- CWops – #1999
- FISTS – #18281
- NAQCC – #8105
- SKCC – #18473T
- Equipment
- Elecraft K4D
- KX3, PX3, KPXA100
- Elecraft KX2
- Elecraft K2
- Antennas
- Various EFHW, verticals and doublet antennas for portable ops.
- Salem QTH – EFHW 80-10 and Mosley TA-33JR WARC for 10-12-15-17-20 on 35ft. Rohn 25G tower.
- Newport QTH – End fed long wire
- Favorite Operating Activities
- CW including QRP
- Portable Operations
- Experimenting with antennas
- Meeting new hams and reconnecting with old friends
- QSL’s
- Direct
- LotW
- eQsl